Hot Water Mag

Hot Water

Solar Collectors of Hot Water

Hot Water Mag

The highest average output of the solar collection during the summer

are: 4.500Kcat/per day for operational temperatures of 35°C-60°C.

4 Times more effective using ¼ of the space Required.

Solar Collectors MAG for central Systems with vacuum tubes

of copper and glass in Paravoloid Reflectors.


Download the full Brochure HERE




                                                                                                      5 stars olympic royal hotel  with 500 beds

The greek technology with the international patent of zero optical pollution which has achieved 90% economy in hotels, now brings you up to 300lt. of hot water per day by using your electric boiler.

















Comparative advantages of MAG collectors

1. They collect solar energy even when the rays come obliquely during the hours before and after the noon as shown in the sketch

2. They do not have inductive thermal losses because of the high vacuum between the glass (exterior) and the cooper (interior) tube

3. They reduce thermal losses due to radiation to 5%


4. Because of the above characteristics (1), (2) & (3) they have high efficiency even during the production of high temperature h ot water from 65°C to 90°C, as shown in the diagram.

5. The solar collectors MAG having an average annual output more than 3.500 Kcal/day, MAG and an effective surface of 0,73m2/ MAG, require small space for their installation. This characteristic makes them particularly attractive for hotels, industries, etc.The calculations bellow proves that MAG collectors over-fulfill the requirements of Energy Operational Program (E.P.E.) of Ministry of Economic Development.




6. Finally, it must be mentioned the very important advantage of avoiding the optical pollution, which make MG collectors incompatible for use in hotels and residences of which owners respect the rules of esthetics and the environment





The solar collector MAG, which is used for the production of hot water for various uses, is the result of research for over a decade, with the aim of better exploitation of long sunshine in Greece as well as in other countries for solar heating, without the simultaneous optical pollution present in the classical flat collectors. During this decade the solar collector MAG was developed continuously improves to create a very efficient product.

The result of this research was certificate with measurements by the Center of Renewable Energy Sources of Greece "K.A.P.E." made by a telemonitoring system according to the attached measuring arrangement for the system of a pair of MAG tubes, during 9 months in 1997, which measurement gave the 16-7-1997, 393lit/24h at the temperature of 39,37°C.

The above solar collector of space vacuum technology is characterized as a three walls vacuum tube (glass, copper and plastic tube, in the order from outside to inside) with high vacuum of 10-4 Bar between the glass and the metallic wall, installed at the focus of semi-cylindrical paraboloidal reflector from aluminum with inner mirror coating.

The vacuum inside the tubes is of tested time resistance (test samples operate without problem since 1986).




Solar collectors with automatic thermostatic mix




Project: Comparison between flat collectors and collectors mag

Flat panel solar collectors absorb more solar radiation around solar noon because the sunrays hit the glass sideways and they are reflected away. On the other hand our collectors absorb much more efficiently the morning and afternoon sun due to the parabolic mirror we use to focus the sunrays on the vacuum tube. Our collectors absorb around 20% more energy than the flat panel solar collectors during morning and afternoon depended of course on the efficiency ratio. During solar noon where flat panel collectors reach their performance peak the glass on the flat panel collector is hot, an indication of thermal losses towards the environment. On the other hand our glass tube is cold while the water inside is hot that happens because of the insulating properties of the high vacuum inside our tubes. Those are the reasons why flat panel solar collectors generally perform the 30% of the energy that mag vacuum tube solar collectors do. Our mag solar collectors have 0,78 efficiency ratio (in 30° – 60° temperature range) x 0,30 = 24%(flat panel solar collectors average efficiency). In addition because flat panel collectors work in a close circuit in a central water heating unit they need to deliver 85°-90°C water in order to heat the water in the boiler through a heat exchanger at 60°C, the higher temperature needed leads to higher recirculation losses that is about 10% of the delivered thermal energy (with our collectors recirculation losses are reduced to 5% because our collectors work in open circuit, therefore we circulate 60° of hot water instead of 85° of the flat panel collectors, and with 80% average efficiency ratio of a heat exchangerthey loose another 20%, so 20% (heat exchanger losses) and 5% (difference in recirculation losses) so 25% difference in performance, as a result 24% they performed in practice it fell down to 0,24 x 0,75 =0,18, 18% final total efficiency ratio as measured by the center of renewble energy research in greece in central systems installed in hotel units.

The solar collector of vaccum tubes (like this in china)
Have efficiency, the double of the flate collectors. So our solar vacuum tubes collectors with paravoloid mirrors , is better from this , [(0,87x1,25)m2 : (2x0,18) = 3 times ] also we have (0,87x1,25) m2/mag ^= 3 x (0,87x1,25) = 3,26 m2 of vacuum tube collector. [for example china's vacuum tube collectors].

Solar collectors with automatic thermostatic mix

1st 200lit    

( 3-4 Persons)


120lit (winter) up to 250lit (summer).Nominal volume of use water 40 °C

1MAG(22lit) + glass Boiler (60lit)
Automatic thermostatic mix

(82lit 80 C + 82lit 20°C ) = 164lit 50C or 250lit 40°C

Winter: a) in 10’ the water of boiler 35 °C (The rest of use)comes to
60 °C less than 1KWh
b) With sunshine the sun gives (in average price) in the winter
3000Kal/m2 and 1 MAG (0.57m2/MAG) Will give Q = 3000 Kcal / m2 x
0,87m2/MAGX0,65(Degree of performance)=1830 Κcal/day and Q1 =
440Kcal ( for 22lit of MAG to be from 15°C to 35°C) and
Q2=1390Kacl (82lit = 17 °C =ΔΤ)
Therefore 82lit in 35 °C + 17 °C = 52°C or 120lit
40 °C




2st 350lit

(4-5 Persons)

180lit (winter) up to 350lit (summer) nominal volume of use  water 40°C
2MAG (44lit)+glass Boiler (60lit)
Automatic thermostatic mix
(104lit 80 °C + 104lit 20°C) =
208lit 50 °C or 350lit 40 °C
Winter : the 2MAG output will be:
Q=3000 Kcal/m2 x 2x0,87m2/MAGX0,70(degree of performance) =3650Kacl /day and Q1 = 880Kcal (for 44lit of MAG to be from 15 °C to 35 °C) and Q2 2770Kcal /day (104lit = ΔΤ= 27 °C ) Therefore 104lit in 35 °C + 27°C = 62 °C or 195lit 40 °C.








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